Please find attached instructions in how to pair your NV12 Note Accepter on a Neon Lotto machine
- After updating the unit, we use firmware Connect NV12 unit as normal loaded with paper then switch cab on and wait for the LED to start flashing steady Orange.
- Switch on all 4 DIL switches on the side of the printer and then switch them all back off again. This should result in the unit resetting ,wait for the LED to start flashing steady orange again
- Then press the orange flashing LED button twice in quick succession .You should then get 6 flashes on the Note entry Bezel indicating it is set to CCTALK.(If you get 1 flash the unit has been left in SSP and will need switching to CCTALK CC4 on a PC in ITL Validator manager. If this is the case you will not be able to continue)
- Once the NV12 has finished flashing follow the loom connected to the NV12 firstly it is the rainbow Bezel loom. Then the NV12 loom with the printer plug tailing off it .Follow this loom to the joint between this loom and the loom from the cabs main loom. With the power still on disconnect the two.
- Turn the power off to the cab
- Reconnect the loom you have just separated and power Cab back on.
- Let the machine power up and set up as normal.
- Go into the back office and test notes in and check if they are crediting the correct monetary value
- Then press “Print Audit receipt “, to check if the printer is working.
- Finally close all doors to ensure all note are crediting correctly ,then press “COLLECT” to print off Ticket and reinsert ticket to ensure it is accepting and crediting tickets
- If the unit is still not working repeat steps 1 to 7